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First of all, hi! My name is Lauren and I’ve been writing a blog called Lake Shore Lady for almost 12 years now. I’ve been searching for a place like this for pretty much that entire time - a place to talk about the things that interest me that I wouldn’t necessarily write a whole blog post about or share on Instagram. A place to do a little girl talk.

So if you like talking about books (chick lit and fantasy fan over here!), tv shows, pop culture, or even just the thoughts of a millennial in an in-between phase of life, I hope you’ll join me.

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Subscribe to Girl Talk with Lake Shore Lady

What I'm reading, watching, shopping, recommending, and whatever else I can't stop thinking about.


Lover of romance books, comfort movies, and petite friendly fashion. Cooking my way through my Nana's recipes. Founder of LakeShoreLady.com.